182. Managing Stress, Sleep Debt + Not Wanting Your Stepkid In Your Bed with Alanna McGinn
The KICK-ASS Stepmom Podcast - Un podcast de Jamie Scrimgeour
Sleep Coach Alanna McGinn, founder of Goodnite Sleep Site is on the show to dive into all things sleep. In this episode, we talk about ways to manage stress so it doesn't impact your sleep, sleep hygiene, sleep debt and we also get into common sleep issues in co-parenting. Things like what do you do if bio mom is co-sleeping but you don't feel comfortable with it (or don't want to), how to handle when each home has different sleep routines, and how to set boundaries when it comes to your stepkids and sleep. For more from Jamie: Website: www.jamiescrimgeour.com Follow along on Instagram @jamiescrimgeour and @kickassstepmompodcast Find me on Facebook Join The Membership Download The Secret To Improving Your Stepfamily Life To attend The Stepmom Summit head to www.jamiescrimgeour.com/stepmomsummit For More From Alanna: Website: www.goodnightsleepsite.com Follow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/gnsleepsite Find her on Facebook: www.facebook.com/goodnightsleepsite Thanks to Our Sponsors: This episode is sponsored by Cozy Earth. Use code COZYJAMIE40 for 40% off your order at www.jamiescrimgeour.com/cozyearth This episode is sponsored by NuCalm. Use code JAMIE10 for 10% off your subscription at www.nucalm.com.