The Importance of Well-Being - 2021 Highlights from The #InnovatorsMindset #Podcast (Part 2 of 4)
The Innovator's Mindset Podcast - Un podcast de George Couros

George Couros starts off this episode sharing about what he has learned about well-being in 2021. After that, we have some incredible highlights from the year on the podcast! Here are some of the guests highlighted! 2:59 Vernon Wright 7:11 Naomi Toland 10:27 Kim Stroble 13:28 Dr. Kischa Campbell 18:37 Morgane Michael 21:19 Couros Couros 27:47 Dr. Catlin Tucker and Dr. Katie Novak Vernon Wright Vernon Wright shares more about how this quote: “the very thing I was running from was the very thing I needed to run to.” Wright reflects on the importance of having a crucial conversation with yourself. George Couros reminds us that “sometimes people just need one person to believe in them.” In this clip of the full episode, The Power of Mentorship - A Convo with Vernon Wright, Wright and Couros share more about the importance of reflection and introspective thinking. Naomi Toland Naomi Toland and George Couros talk about this quote: "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." - Stephen Hawking. The two continue the conversation and Naomi shares some of her learning on neuroscience and ends with this idea: “What we can do in our own thinking is catch the thought we have, challenge it...and then create a new thought, or we can say that thought is something I want to hold on to. It is okay to have those initial thoughts but what we do with them is really important.” Kim Strobel What does the term Happiness Coach make you think about? The notion of happiness is a journey - it is a process and it does not mean that we constantly feel happy all the time. In this episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast, Kim Strobel shares what it means to be a Happiness Coach and how that is not all “sunshine, sparkles, and rainbows.” Right away, Strobel shares about her struggles with the condition, panic disorder. Strobel and Couros talk about how the work that Strobel is doing ties into education and how it relates to the relationships we build with our learners. This episode is filled with happiness habits, tips, and practices! Dr. Kischa Campbell Dr. Kischa Campbell explains how we are three-part beings and shares the reason behind meditation. Dr. Campbell also shares musical suggestions based on situations and lifestyles. This clip from The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast: SEL and Mindfulness; How to Elevate Yourself and Others - A Convo with Dr. Kischa Campbell, talks about how to calm ourselves down to listen and focus. Morgane Michael How does social-emotional learning help our learners? How do we help our learners come out of school with more opportunities? Morgane Michael shares some ways that we can dig into self-knowledge, utilize self-care strategies, and take care of ourselves to “craft the life that (we) want to be leading.”