Saying Yes To Ourselves! A Convo with Matt Matkovich & Phil Januszewski S2 EP31
The Innovator's Mindset Podcast - Un podcast de George Couros

“Every time we say ‘yes’ to something, we say no to something else.” This energetic podcast goes over so much, including the idea of saying yes to ourselves and why that is so important. When we say yes to everything else, we are eventually saying no to ourselves and what we need. We say yes to ourselves so we can have that energy and that ability within ourselves to support others. Finding those boundaries while still helping others and lifting them up is exactly what Phil Januszewski and Matt Matkovich share in this episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast! Hear this and how Januszewski and Matkovich get educators to create their own energy, empower themselves, and become legendary in their workspace. This is a great listen for anyone who wants to feel the energy of these two, anyone who wants practical strategies for increasing your own self-confidence, and for anyone who is a speaker or considering becoming a speaker. Links: Phil Januszewski - Matt Matkovich Twitter - M & P Presentations - Matt Matkovich Website - M & P Presentation on YouTube - The Fire Seinfeld Episode (IMDB) - Quotes: "We think that confidence is the foundation of everything. When we are self-confident, we are willing to take better care of ourselves." "The ordinary is the extraordinary." "Self-confidence should always be balanced out with gratitude." "You take yourself less seriously during the day if you have enough creative passion and purpose after your workday ends." "Start fresh, take care of yourself, and be mindful of your off button." Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter or Instagram at #InnovatorsMindset. More at George Couros on Twitter: George Couros on Instagram: George Couros on Facebook: George Couros on LinkedIn: For the full audio podcast: The Innovator's Mindset: Innovate Inside the Box: Music from Bensound -