Positive or negative, it is contagious. - Highlights from 2024 on the #InnovatorsMindset Part 2
The Innovator's Mindset Podcast - Un podcast de George Couros

In this episode of The Innovator's Mindset Podcast, Year-End Review for 2024, George Couros reflects on the importance of personal energy in influencing others, sharing insights from the book 'Unreasonable Hospitality' by Will Guidara. Couros emphasizes that culture in organizations is shaped by individuals, and one person's energy can significantly impact the atmosphere of a room or organization. Remember to consider the positive or negative energy you bring into your environment and how it can affect those around you. Description & Time Codes: 0:00 Intro with George Couros 4:21 Intro 4:30 David Domena 7:27 Dr. Tiffany Spicer 15:53 Dr. Justin Terry David Domena: The Goldilocks Effect for School Principals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UZ9O1B9LTs In this clip from The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast with David Domena, The Goldilocks Effect for School Principals, Domena and Couros reflect on the process of actually writing the book, What Makes a Great Principal! Be sure to check out the full episode for even more great thoughts from David Domena! Dr. Tiffany Spicer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZbJgdzVI5A Dr. Tiffany Spicer joins this episode of The Innovator’s Mindset Podcast to reflect on her journey as an educator and mother. Be sure to check out this episode for some crucial advice about caring for yourself in order to care for others. Dr. Spicer gives an important reminder that sometimes we do not even realize that we are setting an example and that people are watching to see what example we set! Dr. Justin Terry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VEFNu1sNkI Dr. Justin Terry joins this episode of The Innovator’s Mindset and shares how he as the superintendent of Forney ISD in Texas works to innovate inside the box! Learn all about how Forney ISD has helped create Opportunity Central where career connections are made through community engagement. __________________________________________ Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter or Instagram at #InnovatorsMindset. More at georgecouros.com George Couros on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gcouros George Couros on Instagram: https://instagram.com/gcouros George Couros on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgecourosauthor/ George Couros on LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/george-couros-a5146519 For the full audio podcast: https://linktr.ee/gcouros The Innovator's Mindset: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0986155497?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d What Makes a Great Principal - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1948334739?linkCode=ssc&tag=onamzgeorge0f-20&creativeASIN=1948334739&asc_item-id=amzn1.ideas.2SBTFVTBT0S6X&ref_=aip_sf_list_spv_ofs_mixed_d_asin Because of a Teacher - https://www.amazon.com/dp/194833433X?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d Because of a Teacher 2 - https://www.amazon.com/dp/194833450X?tag=onamzgeorge0f-20&linkCode=ssc&creativeASIN=194833450X&asc_item-id=amzn1.ideas.2SBTFVTBT0S6X Innovate Inside the Box: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1948334127?ref=exp_gcouros_dp_vv_d Music from Bensound - http://bensound.com/