3 Questions on Educators that Inspire with Deidre Roemer - The #InnovatorsMindset Podcast
The Innovator's Mindset Podcast - Un podcast de George Couros

Deidre Roemer shares a bit of the story that she tells in detail in the upcoming book with the working title, “Because of a Teacher, Stories of the Past to Inspire the Future of Education.” Roemer shares a summarized version of the full story in this podcast as she reflects on her teaching career and the lessons she has learned. Roemer tells more about what makes an administrator stand out and how they are learner-centered and let the students take the lead. Roemer shares some of the strategies that she has seen schools use to help learners better understand what options they have. Hear all this and more as Couros and Roemer discuss the following questions: Who is a teacher that has inspired you and why? Who is an administrator that has inspired you and why? What advice would you give your first-year teacher self? Links: Deidre Roemer Twitter - https://twitter.com/deidre_roemer?lang=en Deidre Roemer Blog - https://leveragepoints.home.blog/ Quotes: "We want to make sure everybody has the opportunity to figure out what their place is going to be." DR "Not all people have the same strengths, but all people have strengths." DR & GC "What is your experience like? Tell me why you are here. How can I make what is happening for you today the best experience it can be." DR from Her Dad "How do you show up for people and give what you can and hold your own self accountable for doing that really well." DR Please share your thoughts with us on Twitter or Instagram at #InnovatorsMindset. More at georgecouros.ca George Couros on Twitter: https://twitter.com/gcouros George Couros on Instagram: https://instagram.com/gcouros George Couros on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgecourosauthor/ George Couros on LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/george-couros-a5146519 For the full audio podcast: https://linktr.ee/gcouros The Innovator's Mindset:https://www.amazon.com/Innovators-Mindset-Empower-Learning-Creativity/dp/0986155497/ref=zg_bs_69830_7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ARY8KZTA242NVFMHF9X0 Innovate Inside the Box: https://www.amazon.com/Innovate-Inside-Box-Empowering-Innovators/dp/1948334127/ref=zg_bs_69830_12?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=75E0ZS6R2J330FAM9Y0A Music from Bensound - http://bensound.com/