62. all things womanhood.. reclaiming feminine energy, cycle syncing, stay at home gf trends, hygiene tips & MORE
The Glow Up Secrets - Un podcast de Elicia Goguen - Les dimanches

Hi girliesssss 🦋 In honour of International Women's Day, today's episode is all about WOMANHOOD. Where I chat ⬇️ -cycle syncing and the importance of embracing our biological differences -birth control & preventative measures -how to balance masculine and feminine energy in a masculine dominated society -my views on woman in the workforce & if it's TRULY ruining our feminine energy -my views on soft life and stay at home gf & wife trends-the red pill community and toxic masculinity -gender stereotypes -navigating friendships with women without competition and envy -fitness and nutrition tips for women -feminine hygiene tips -and MORE Resources I mentioned: My cycle syncing video: https://youtu.be/5SoMLVXmWns Business of Birth Control Documentary: https://www.thebusinessof.life/My podcast episode with Adil Hussain: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-glow-up-secrets/id1604005494?i=1000590967574Organic Olivia podcast episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/whats-the-juice/id1493579571?i=1000587090317MY LINKS Abundance journal prompt guide & the inner child discovery guide https://beacons.ai/theglowupsecrets Watch this episode on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/@theglowupsecretspodcast My Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok & Pinterest links https://candr.link/theglowupsecrets Links to my favourite books & products https://candr.link/l/hds2MR_P6JMGzw_82kFv6 Need advice ? submit your question here for email coaching https://beacons.ai/theglowupsecretsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-glow-up-secrets--5693167/support.