60. toxic family, being the "advice" friend, intimacy, men who follow IG girlies & MORE
The Glow Up Secrets - Un podcast de Elicia Goguen - Les dimanches

Hi everyone 🦋 In today's episode we chat about a lot of different topics such as relationships, family, friends, body image and a lot of personal updates and fun chit chats! ⬇️ -my "ins" list for the week -when to know when it's the "right" time -thoughts on interracial dating-my opinion on social media and relationships regarding men following IG models -what to do when you miss a parent that is toxic for you-my personal family story and how I healed from the loss of my father and my mothers addictions-how to heal a relationship with parents that are so different from you-dealing with energy vampires in your family -how to handle a friend who is always asking for advice while actively self sabotaging-friendship break ups and if you should let them back into your life-how to build a healthy relationship with food when you struggle with bingeing-tips for a proper weight loss mindset-how I maintain a healthy lifestyle working as a waitress-how life is as an influencer-what got me into wellness, feminine energy and the contacts that I create now and tips for anyone looking to do the same-and SO much more! I hope you all enjoy 🦋LINKSHow I healed my relationship with food https://youtu.be/8YV4pG-HOfk The real reason you struggle with weightloss and becoming the healthiest version of you (podcast episode 12) https://www.spreaker.com/user/16789696/12-the-real-reason-you-struggle-with-wei Abundance journal prompt guide & the inner child discovery guide https://beacons.ai/theglowupsecrets Watch this episode on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/@theglowupsecretspodcast My Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok & Pinterest links https://candr.link/theglowupsecrets Links to my favourite books & products https://candr.link/l/hds2MR_P6JMGzw_82kFv6 Need advice ? submit your question here for email coaching https://beacons.ai/theglowupsecretsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-glow-up-secrets--5693167/support.