58. escaping the scarcity mindset, content creator tips, overcoming perfectionism & MORE
The Glow Up Secrets - Un podcast de Elicia Goguen - Les dimanches

Hi everyone 🦋 In today's episode we chat how to get out of your own way and go for what YOU WANT in your life. I give a lot of advice in regards to becoming a content creator, along with learning how to get out of your own way when starting something new for the first time. Some topics include:-addressing hate comments-how to stop caring about what other people think-how to stop comparing yourself to people doing the same thing as you-getting past your beginner "cringe" stage-how to escape the scarcity mindset in order to create your dream life-best way to grow your social media platforms-how I organize myself as a content creator, how I come up with ideas & how many hours I work-how to begin content creating-UGC tips -letting go of the idea of not being "original"-should you go to university ?-how to stop overthinking your goals/obsessing over them-getting over the fear of failing-how to stay motivated and how I got started on social media -productivity, my thoughts on the influencer industry and MORE Link to the abundance journal prompt guide & the inner child discovery guide https://beacons.ai/theglowupsecretsThe side walker daily episode I did with Nina: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-be-magnetic-as-a-creator-with-the-glow-up-secrets-120/id1550686567?i=1000588021827 "It's giving girl boss" episode where I chat different streams of income that I have: https://www.spreaker.com/user/16789696/newgirlpossfinal Watch this episode on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/@theglowupsecretspodcastMy Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok & Pinterest links https://candr.link/theglowupsecretsLinks to my favourite books & products https://candr.link/l/hds2MR_P6JMGzw_82kFv6 Need advice ? submit your question here https://beacons.ai/theglowupsecretsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-glow-up-secrets--5693167/support.