173. how to navigate DETACHMENT, take back your energy & regain your magnetism ✨
The Glow Up Secrets - Un podcast de Elicia Goguen - Les dimanches

Hi my loves 🦋 In today's episode we discuss how to navigate detachment to people, places & things. Why it's important that you take back your energy and thought provoking questions to help you see if YOU are currently magnetic!One on one sessions are OPEN 💗 https://shop.beacons.ai/theglowupsecrets/504d27dc-4092-4216-bb7a-3ca273e7d082Abundance mindset digital journal guide https://shop.beacons.ai/theglowupsecrets/2d3320d4-64a5-43ec-bb2f-3fbf53242649Inner child shadow work digital guide https://shop.beacons.ai/theglowupsecrets/76e37742-8b45-4691-a2fd-1acec42c0301Heal to manifest digital guide https://shop.beacons.ai/theglowupsecrets/1dd4344d-c10c-4134-b2d5-e10c6ab33986My book "the ultimate glow up guide" is available NOW 💗 get it at your local bookstores & online at places like amazon! https://amzn.to/3M4SfGA My main channel @eliciagoguen 🤍All my home, favourite beauty, skincare, clothes & wellness products on LTK https://www.shopltk.com/explore/eliciagoguenLink to my microphone, camera & my favourite tech items https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-280d1a49/list/2P83PPZGKLP00?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsflist_aipsfinfluencer-280d1a49_426RJGVE7WH4HG1KCM9XThe Glow Up Secrets podcast channel https://www.youtube.com/@theglowupsecretspodcastMy audio podcast, instagram, tiktok & pinterest can all be found here: https://eliciagoguen.komi.io00:00 exiting your "low vibration" chapter03:06 life responds to your ENERGY06:47 who and what is taking your energy ?08:55 observing VS responding & "dropping anchor" 14:20 the scarcity mindset 17:32 practicing detachment25:30 dealing with anxietyBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-glow-up-secrets--5693167/support.