172. how to have unapologetic, big sister STANDARDS! no more people pleasing & accepting the bare-minimum
The Glow Up Secrets - Un podcast de Elicia Goguen - Les dimanches

Hi my loves đŠ In today's episode I give you my best advice on how to become more unapologetic if you are a people pleaser and find that you LOWER your standards in hopes to have people value you and like you more. It's time you learn how to have BIG SISTER standards!My main channel  @eliciagoguen đ€Work with me 1:1 https://shop.beacons.ai/theglowupsecrets/504d27dc-4092-4216-bb7a-3ca273e7d082My book "the ultimate glow up guide" is available NOW đ get it at your local bookstores & online at places like amazon! https://amzn.to/3M4SfGALEAVE A REVIEW HERE đ« https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/159234420All my home, favourite beauty, skincare, clothes & wellness products on LTK https://www.shopltk.com/explore/eliciagoguenLink to my microphone, camera & my favourite tech items https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-280d1a49/list/2P83PPZGKLP00?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsflist_aipsfinfluencer-280d1a49_426RJGVE7WH4HG1KCM9XThe Glow Up Secrets podcast channel https://www.youtube.com/@theglowupsecretspodcastMy audio podcast, instagram, tiktok & pinterest can all be found here: https://eliciagoguen.komi.io00:00 people pleasing, fear of abandonment, perfectionism & childhood wounds04:25 becoming your own big sister06:50 radically unapologetic11:40 negotiating your worth & accepting the bare minimum22:28 clarity25:22 calling yourself out27:54 removing toxic people & habits from your life32:20 prioritize yourself = them prioritizing youBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-glow-up-secrets--5693167/support.