#54 - 'Edtech for Publishers' recorded at Futurebook
The Edtech Podcast - Un podcast de Professor Rose Luckin
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What's in this episode?
This week we have we’re in conversation with everyone from Pearson, The Bookseller, Edtech Exchange, Oxford University Press, Assembly, the Audio Book Publishers Association, Kortext, recorded at ‘Edtech for publishers’ at FutureBook '16, asking questions such as:
What can edtech and publishers offer one another?
Can two distinct business cultures meet in the middle or not?
Is there a short term cost financially to publishers who are embracing edtech?
Outside of content, what are the infrastructure considerations on edtech for publishers across data, and good connectivity
- What challenges do the financial squeezes in education and some difficult edtech business models present?
A big thank you to The Bookseller, Future Book and Edtech Exchange who worked on The Edtech for Publishers event together, and if you like this episode you might be tempted to also check out episode 37 on textbooks vs. technology.
Sample Quotes
Andrew Keen, entrepreneur and author: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Keen ; http://www.ajkeen.com ; https://twitter.com/ajkeen
Philip Jones, Editor at The Bookseller: http://www.thebookseller.com ; https://twitter.com/philipdsjones?lang=en ; [email protected]
George Burgess, founder of Gojimo and the EdTech Exchange:
https://twitter.com/burgesg?lang=en ; [email protected]
Gojimo: http://www.gojimo.com
The Edtech Exchange: http://edtech.exchange
Tom Hall. VP Technology and Digital at Pearson (no longer at Pearson): https://twitter.com/tomjhall?lang=en
http://www.pearsoned.com ; https://www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com/global/
Imogen Poole. Area sales manager for Africa and the Caribbean Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press: https://global.oup.com/?cc=tw
Kate Worlock, VP & Lead Analyst Outsell: https://www.outsellinc.com/team/kate-worlock ; https://twitter.com/outsellkate?lang=en
Outsell Inc.: https://www.outsellinc.com
BUSUU: https://www.busuu.com
Caroline Wright, Director General at the British Educational Suppliers Association: https://twitter.com/cjpwright ; https://www.besa.org.uk
Emma Barnes, CEO Bibliocloud & Snowbooks: http://bibliocloud.com ; https://twitter.com/has_many_books ; https://twitter.com/bibliocloud ; http://snowbooks.com ; https://twitter.com/snowbooks?lang=en
UCL: http://www.ucl.ac.uk
Joshua Perry Director at Assembly: https://twitter.com/bringmoredata?lang=en ; http://blog.assembly.education/author/josh/ ; https://twitter.com/Assembly_Edu
James Gray, CEO, Kortext: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesgray1/ ; http://www.kortext.com
Michelle Cobb, Executive Director of the US Audio Publishers Association: https://www.audiopub.org/education/sound-learning ; [email protected]
Ali Muirden, Creative content Ltd.: http://www.creativecontentdigital.com ; https://twitter.com/CCTheLowdown
Catherine Allen, Immersive Media specialist, Lyristic: https://twitter.com/_catherineallen?lang=en ; http://www.catherineallen.uk ; https://twitter.com/_CatherineAllen
BBC Taster: http://www.bbc.co.uk/taster/projects/easter-rising-voice-of-a-rebel
John Cromie: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/johncromie ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touchpress ;
Futurebook 16: http://www.thebookseller.com/tags-futurebook/futurebook-16
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University Business (UB) was launched in 2005, and in the past decade has established itself as the leading B2B publication within the UK HE sector. http://universitybusiness.co.uk/
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The EdTech Exchange is Europe's largest community of EdTech Founders and provides members with mentoring, support and a programme of events designed to share best practice through peer-to-peer learning. The Exchange brings together like-minded EdTech entrepreneurs, encouraging them to exchange ideas, swap war stories, and give and receive advice from their peers. It is solely for Founders of EdTech companies who have raised at least £100,000 of financing or revenue, with many members having raised significantly more. http://edtech.exchange/
The Edtech Podcast supports the mission of WomenEd: #WomenEd is a grassroots movement which connects existing and aspiring leaders in education. Even though women dominate the workforce across all sectors of education there still remain gender inequalities, particularly at senior leadership level. The situation regarding BME leadership is even more dire considering the fact that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse. This situation is clearly unacceptable and rapid change is needed. #WomenEd will therefore campaign and use its collective power to make improvements, so that there is a more equitable balance in terms of gender and ethnicity at leadership level across all sectors of education. http://www.womened.org/
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