#242 - Schools, Employability and Skills
The Edtech Podcast - Un podcast de Professor Rose Luckin

Hello everyone and welcome back to The Edtech Podcast, where we aim to improve the dialogue between “ed” and “tech” for better innovation and impact. This week’s episode is part of our series collaboration with Bett, supported by Pearson. Recorded LIVE at Bett 2022, you’ll hear from; David Price, OBE and author of Power of Us @DavidPriceOBE Valerie Hannon, Systems rethinker, and author of Thrive: The Purpose of Schools in a Changing World, @valeriehannon and Siân Gresswell, Senior Adviser for Careers and Employability, at GreenWood Academies. Sophie Bailey, Founder and Host, The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech, Founder, WorkTripp We’re talking about Schools, Employability and Skills. Namely; How to continually develop and connect a careers programme to real-world opportunities. Connecting students and school teams to the "outside world", and, Helping students find their why in a local and global context. Show Notes and References You can find links to any references from the episode in our show notes: https://theedtechpodcast.com/edtechpodcast. Tell us your story We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.