#234 - Removing barriers in skills development
The Edtech Podcast - Un podcast de Professor Rose Luckin

What's in this episode? Hello and welcome to the next series of The VocTech Podcast where we take a look at vocational learning technologies and improving opportunity in the workplace. This series is supported by Ufi VocTech Trust. This episode was recorded LIVE at the Week Of Voctech and in it, you'll hear about; how to remove barriers in education how to boost learner confidence, and how to build a use case for tech in learning within a corporate or workplace environment Happy listening! Join in the conversation using #VocTechPodcast and #VocTech. People Mark Baxter, Technical Director and Co-Founder, Digitalnauts | Twitter: @BaxterCodes, @Digitalnauts Dr Andrea Cullen, Lead Tutor & Co-founder, CAPSLOCK | Twitter: @stuff4andrea, @capslockcyber Diane Morgan, Director of Talent, Zinc VC | Twitter: @dmorgannyc; @zincvc Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech Show Notes and References Check out https://theedtechpodcast.com/edtechpodcast for the full show notes. Tell us your story We'd love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via. twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.