#233 - School Leadership: navigating constant change
The Edtech Podcast - Un podcast de Professor Rose Luckin

Hello listeners! In this episode, I am in conversation with Simon Freeman, the MD for IRIS Education who provide agile School Management Software for 12000 schools in the UK and Internationally. Simon has an amazing array of public sector technology experience and in this episode we talk about; How School Leaders can manage the scale of the task ahead when it comes to the role of technology, learning and digitally-competent leadership within the school environment to create precious time for school plans. How to choose agile partners, who can act as a change management partner during this process. What to look out for and what to avoid. How to tap into the data within your school and get your MIS out from under desks. Is that you? The big message here is RELEASE THE DATA! and get onboard with agile processes. Plus, free tickets for listeners to Reimagine Education, and other awards news and updates! Check out the full episode show notes and references here: https://theedtechpodcast.com/edtechpodcast. Tell us your story Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via Twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram. We'd love to hear your thoughts.