The Animated, Illustrated Cat with Marlene Sharp, TV and Film Writer and Executive and Proprietor of Pink Poodle Productions

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“I’m glad that there are organizations that . . . dispel the myth [about black cats].” This episode is sponsored in part by, and Maddie's Fund. In this episode, Stacy chats with Marlene Sharp, a TV and film writer and executive and proprietor of Pink Poodle Productions. In her discussion with Stacy, Marlene talks all about her work in the animation industry and details some of her cat-related projects. She describes her recent experience at CatCon, as well as her collaboration with Linda Malik (author of Willow’s Tale). Additionally, Marlene describes her work as a mentor at the Center for Learning Unlimited, where she collaborates with students on the autism spectrum in the school’s animation program. She likens the unfair perception of black cats to the perception of those with autism. To learn more about Marlene and her work, visit Pink Poodle Productions. You can also connect with her through LinkedIn. During her interview, Marlene mentions the following organizations: Black Cat Holistic Rescue The Center for Learning Unlimited

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