The Cloudcast #235 - Does Everyone Need Google's Infrastructure?

The Cloudcast - Un podcast de Massive Studios


Brian talks with Alex Polvi (@polvi, Founder/CEO of @CoreOSLinux) about how startups measure innovation, the evolution of both Tectonic solution and CoreOS projects, the evolution of Kubernetes and how many companies are building digital presences (web/mobile).

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    Topic 1 - Let's start with product updates. It's been about six months since we talked with Redbeard (Brian Harrington) about CoreOS and security at OSCON. What's new with CoreOS (Tectonic, Kubernetes 1.0, Clair, etc.)

    Topic 2 - Kubernetes get most of the attention, but let's talk about "Clair" since it aligns to CoreOS's goal of securing the Internet. What is it and how does it work?

    Topic 3 - Tectonic was announced as GA in December. How has the shift from project/product based offerings to more solution-centric offerings changed your interaction with the market?

    Topic 4 - As best I can tell, your customers seem to be digital-centric companies (Samsung, Jive Software, etc.) with customer-facing applications. Is that the ideal customer profile for where CoreOS is today?

    Topic 5 - The other day you sent a tweet that mentioned how many releases that CoreOS had done in 2015. And I've seen about 6-10 more companies send a similar tweet. First time I've seen the release metric be the end-of-year measurement at a company level. Why is that happening now?

    Topic 6 - What's the sentiment in Silicon Valley these days about startups? Interest rates moved up a little bit, many unicorns ($1B valuations) were created in 2014-2015. Are the investors saying anything to startups in early 2016 that's different than 2014 or 2015?  

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