023 Nurses on Nursing: Late Career Change to Nursing-- Interview with Fred Hammond
The Birth Nurses - Un podcast de Shaina Brickner and Liz Wade

Are you in a completely different profession from healthcare, but you've been thinking about becoming a nurse? Well, we have THE episode for you! We interviewed one of Liz's friends who did just that. From contractor to ER RN, Fred Hammond changed it up at age 40! This is also our first episode with a male guest! (not sure how that didn't happen sooner) So make sure to take a listen. You will definitely learn something new. We invite you to email us, DM us on instagram, or find some other way to contact us and tell us your thoughts. For more information about us, our birth education businesses, and the classes we teach, visit our websites and instagram profiles: Shaina instagram.com/preparented www.preparented.com Liz instagram.com/birthnurseliz www.birthandbeyond.net