Tummy Tuck 101: 2025 Edition
The Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Podcast with Dr. Jay Calvert - Un podcast de Dr. Jay Calvert - Les lundis

Dr. Jay Calvert & Dr. Millicent Rovelo discuss Tummy Tuck 101, also known as Abdominoplasty... 2025 Edition! Everything you need to know if you're considering a Tummy Tuck. Who are candidates for a Tummy Tuck? What does the operation entail? Where will the incisions be? What are the best techniques? What will happen to my belly button? Plus, discussions about Progressive tension, Post-Op care instructions, lymphatic massage, maintaining results, potential complications, cost, and so much more! -- Dr. Jay Calvert & Dr. Millicent Rovelo are Board Certified Plastic Surgeons located in Beverly Hills, California. Dr. Jay Calvert - drcalvert.com Instagram: @DrJayCalvert Dr. Millicent Rovelo - roveloplasticsurgery.com Instagram: @RoveloPlasticSurgery Follow the Podcast on Instagram: @BeverlyHillsPlasticSurgeryPod