Ending Burnout Culture and Speaker Burnout with Cait Donovan
The A-Ha! Method Podcast - Un podcast de Gabe Zichermann

Cait Donovan — burnout expert, speaker, author, and host of “Fried - The Burnout Podcast,” — joins Dayna and Gabe to discuss burnout, boundaries, speaker burnout (yes, it's a thing!), and how you can take better care of yourself right now. As a speaker, you may find that you're overexerting yourself and saying "Yes!" to every speaking gig you get asked to do because you don't want to miss out on anything or decrease momentum. However, you have to know when is the right time to say yes to a speaking gig and when to say no. Cait talks in this episode about how resentment is your superpower, and if you're feeling resentful about a situation or a request, then it may be better for your well-being not to take it. We also discuss evaluations and how to deal with those negative comments that may hit us so hard and get us down or in our heads. The key is knowing yourself and recognizing what you need to bounce back from the negative feedback, especially if you have another speech or presentation to give soon! Burnout is not new, but it's a big buzzword these days because it's affecting so many people, especially as we navigate through COVID-19. We hope this episode encourages everyone who is dealing with burnout or feeling the effects of burnout to talk to someone and get the help they need. Cait is so real and vulnerable, and we appreciate her sharing tips for how we can better take care of ourselves right now - as speakers and as human beings. Please take care of yourself and your well-being, listeners and friends! Show Notes: Check out Dayna and Cait giving an improvised presentation about self-care (keyword is improvised!): https://youtu.be/_62Hjx-KagI Cait's website: https://www.caitdonovan.com Cait's Podcast - Fried. The Burnout Podcast - https://www.friedtheburnoutpodcast.com Cait's Resentment is Your Superpower Course and other courses - https://www.caitdonovan.com/store 1:1 Coaching and Support to help you break the burnout cycle - https://caitdonovan.mykajabi.com/coaching Follow Cait on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caitdonovan/ Follow Cait on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cait_donovan/ Video Snippets: If you are listening via Spotify, you can watch this podcast as a video! Not everyone is going to like you as a speaker - https://youtu.be/petzZgsC8tA Connect your message to your audience! - https://youtu.be/ZYj3xpAyTQI Sink little anchors into anchors into your audience's brain! - https://youtu.be/3QvvvUmaxHM Bounce back from negative presentation feedback - https://youtu.be/DrtXz8rkDIA