Nick Macer of Pan Global Plants (Part Two)
Talking Dirty - Un podcast de Get Gardening - Les mercredis

Settle back and get ready for another plant extravaganza with Nick Macer of Pan Global Plants. In Part Two of his Talking Dirty appearance, he shares plants for the future, great foliage combos, beautiful bark and so much more! Your FLOMO* is sure to be off the scale!
*FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out
Pinus engelmannii
Firmiana simplex
Tetrapanax papyrifer 'Rex'
Napaea dioica
Phlomis bourgaei
Phlomis fruticosa
Lindera obtusiloba
Lindera triloba
Acystopteris taiwaniana
Hedychium gardnerianum ‘Tangkhul Naga’
Marsdenia oreophila (syn. Cionura)
Dregea sinensis
Dahlia tamaulipana
Dahlia imperialis
Persea bracteata
Lagerstroemia indica 'Cedar Lane Red'
Lagerstroemia subcostata
Isodon (Plectranthus) effusus var. longitubus
Quercus alnifolia
Dendromecon rigida