Deconstructing A Multi-Million-Dollar Written Story
Email List Profit Secrets - Un podcast de Jules Dan
How do make my promotions not sound like a promotion?
You know the answer, (hint it's in the podcast title).
Yep every highly succesful copywriter knows how to tell a story in written form that takes the reader on a rollercoaster by jabbing them with a sharp stick that boils their blood and then bridge that frustration with an irresistible solution.
In this podcast I deconstruct how this sales letter that sold over $2million dollars worth of product (business in a box opportunity).
Even if you NEVER want to write, this episode has got exactly what you need to know so that you'll
👉 Know exactly how to spot the difference of a good copywriter vs a world class copywriter (so thatyou don't ever waste your hard earned money again)
👉Know exactly how to lead a story about YOURSELF and yet still remain universal with the reader so they don't feel turned off by you only talking about how great you are
👉 How to keep pulling a reader back in with your story so that they FORGET they're even reading a sales letter
If you liked the sound of my little idea at the end of the podcast you can contact me at: