Highlights - SERGEI GURIEV - Political Economist - Provost of SciencesPo - Co-author of Spin Dictators

Social Justice & Activism - The Creative Process - Activists, Environmental, Indigenous Groups, Artists and Writers Talk Diversity, Equity and inclusion - Un podcast de Creative Process Original Series

"I think young people should not panic. I think we are in a very difficult situation. But we do have amazing technology. We do have a way to invent more technology. And as an economist, I believe that we should remain optimistic. I think there are many things we can do, both in terms of taxing dirty production, but also subsidizing clean production, and investing in infrastructure, that itself can create incentives for the green transition. And in that sense, I think we should work more together. We should learn more in order not to panic. We should also understand the exact challenges, the numbers, and the science, and listen to the experts. But what I can say as a political economist is, of course, the political system is stuck in the status quo. And in order to refocus the priorities of the current political class, you need to become politicians. You need to participate in politics. You need to talk to experts and try to come up with constructive solutions. And what I like about young people is they are very much aware of those issues. And they're very mobilized, especially regarding the issue of environmental transformation, which I think is what creates hope."

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