148. Why I'm NOT feeling self-sufficient this holiday season
Simple Doesn't Mean Easy - Un podcast de Michelle Visser - Les lundis

Please check out our sponsor: https://www.hearthandhomesteadstore.com/ and use code SOULYRESTED to save $$Thanks for watching!👉Click here to subscribe for new videos: https://www.youtube.com/michellevisser?sub_confirmation=1Grab my Pantry Checklist (loaded with discounts on my favorite ingredients) for free right here: https://soulyrested.com/pantry/FREE resources:Learn how to use fresh milled flour: https://graceful-base-213.myflodesk.com/k36hnsvbh7Learn about kombucha (and grab some of my favorite recipes): https://graceful-base-213.myflodesk.com/b91bdd18-3581-414f-b145-8acd2e508a52Learn about dehydrating food: https://graceful-base-213.myflodesk.com/fl36xcgpvqLearn about baking with maple syrup: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62116313e0eda1a0d870b747Learn about making your own maple syrup: https://graceful-base-213.myflodesk.com/q5ecjrundzLooking for more free resources? Choose from even more FREE e-courses here: https://soulyrested.com/howto/My book: https://amzn.to/45Pt8Pu My website: https://soulyrested.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/souly.rested/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulyrestedPinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/soulyrested/All my favorite ingredients: https://soulyrested.com/the-best-ingredients-in-my-kitchen/About Michelle VisserHi, so nice to meet you! I’m Michelle, a former processed food junkie turned real-food enthusiast.My husband and I live on a small New England farm and sugarbush with a lot of gardens. But I’m passionate about helping folks have more real food in their lives, no matter where they live. No farm or garden required.Popular topics on my channel include:Real food Pantry staple recipesFrom scratch cookingTea blends & how to make themSugarmakingThe Simple Doesn’t Mean Easy podcastVisit https://soulyrested.com/ for more, and subscribe to my YouTube channel to get new videos from me: https://www.youtube.com/michellevisser?sub_confirmation=1👋Find me in all the places:My book: https://amzn.to/45Pt8Pu My website: https://soulyrested.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/souly.rested/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulyrested Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/soulyrested/ Podcast: https://soulyrested.com/podcast/ CONTACT: michelle@soulyrested(dot)comPODCAST do this in emails!hundreds of episodes later, I’ve created a digital sea of conversations that are so incredibly special… and I’m excited to share them with YOU!Let’s dive into YOUR specially curated podcast playlist! Press play on these (or download to listen later!) so you can make some progress even while you fold laundry or walk the dog. :)In this episode, we discuss the FDA's approval process and the loopholes that allow potentially harmful ingredients to be included in the food we eat and the cosmetics we use. I share the story of a popular food brand that had to recall a product due to severe health issues caused by one ingredient. One that was "FDA approved." Join me as we talk about small ways we can be vigilant about the food we consume.Don't miss Previous podcast episodes I referred to in this episode:honest talk with a previous Pfizer rep: LISTEN HERE--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/115-navigating-real-food-for-kids-and-families-with/id1502035061?i=1000659251643WATCH HERE--https://youtu.be/iPYBtzl1Uss?si=z3x-w8r7GIH0HZ-0My talk with a former CEO of a multimillion-dollar consulting firm in the food industry: LISTEN HERE--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/119-unmasking-big-foods-deceptions-learning-to-conquer/id1502035061?i=1000660775763WATCH HERE--https://youtu.be/K3A-4o1PK4w?si=Uxkvs8-CCQpcXwaEMy talk with David Stelzer, founder and CEO of Azure Standard, about the healthy choices of complex sugars: LISTEN HERE--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-best-sugars-to-use-and-what-sugars-to-avoid/id1502035061?i=1000634613853WATCH HERE--https://youtu.be/onh2xQkmUfg?si=GPolo33tGZqWY2hcGrab my Pantry Checklist (loaded with discounts on my favorite ingredients) for free right here: https://soulyrested.com/pantry/FREE resources:Learn how to use fresh milled flour: https://graceful-base-213.myflodesk.com/k36hnsvbh7Learn about kombucha (and grab some of my favorite recipes): https://graceful-base-213.myflodesk.com/b91bdd18-3581-414f-b145-8acd2e508a52Learn about dehydrating food: https://graceful-base-213.myflodesk.com/fl36xcgpvqLearn about baking with maple syrup: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/62116313e0eda1a0d870b747Learn about making your own maple syrup: https://graceful-base-213.myflodesk.com/q5ecjrundzLooking for more free resources? Choose from even more FREE e-courses here: https://soulyrested.com/howto/My book: https://amzn.to/45Pt8Pu My website: https://soulyrested.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/souly.rested/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulyrestedPinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/soulyrested/All my favorite ingredients: https://soulyrested.com/the-best-ingredients-in-my-kitchen/The episode is brought to you by the best garlic & more (save with code SIMPLE)-- Territorialseed.com/simple ( https://territorialseed.com/pages/simple-doesn-t-mean-easy-podcast )