506. 食事 Meal
SAKURA TIPS|Listen to Japanese - Un podcast de Mari
■Follow Up Question 1、Mariは普段1日何食、食べますか? How many meals a day does Mari usually eat? 2、Mariの今の朝ごはんにはどのようなメニューがありますか? What is on Mari's current breakfast menu? 3、Mariはなぜ夜ご飯をあまり食べたくないと思っているのですか? Why does Mari not want to eat much dinner at night? ■Podcast Transcripts and Answers : https://sakuratips.com/category/pod-cast/ ■SAKURA News Letter (Free) : https://sakuratips.com/2021/07/07/sakuraletter/ ■Japanese Learner's Community(Free): https://sakuratips.com/2021/02/09/sakura_community/ ■Patron Member: Get the special contents for learning Japanese language https://sakuratips.com/2021/09/18/sakura-patrons/ ■Japanese Speaking Textbook : https://sakuratips.com/category/products/ #Japanese #日本語