E58: Picking and Benchmarking Funds With Cesario Mateus

Rig på viden - Un podcast de André Thormann, Benjamin Zumofen og Henrik Foged Rasmussen - Les mardis


Mateus Cesario, professor of finance at Aalborg University, explains how to properly benchmark funds and how to pick the best active funds to outperform. We also cover active versus passive funds, factor funds, and much more.The episode is sponsored by DFI: https://danishfinanceinstitute.dk/Review of new trends in the literature on factor models and mutual fund performance: https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/15032/3/UK%20alpha%20comeback_anon_V2_27Oct15.pdf Review of new trends in the literature on factor models and mutual fund performance: https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/21211/Do Smart Beta ETFs Deliver Persistent Performance?: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3590995Benchmark-adjusted performance of US equity mutual funds and the issue of prospectus benchmarks: https://vbn.aau.dk/da/publications/benchmark-adjusted-performance-of-us-equity-mutual-funds-and-the-Use of Active Peer Benchmarks in assessing UK mutual fund performance and performance persistence: https://openaccess.city.ac.uk/id/eprint/21210/3/Benchmarks_JAM1Nov18_nonames.pdfFollow us on LinkedIn:André: www.linkedin.com/in/andréthormann/Benjamin: www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminzumofen/Henrik: www.linkedin.com/in/henrik-fr/Intro Music:Deadly Roulette by Kevin MacLeodLink: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3625-deadly-rouletteLicense: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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