The Future of Restaurant Funding with InKind Founder
RESTAURANT STRATEGY - Un podcast de Chip Klose

#416 - The Future of Restaurant Funding with InKind Founder ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: MARGIN EDGE Take control of your costs with using MarginEdge. Best of all? No contract. No setup fee. Free and unlimited training and support. VISIT: ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: INKIND To the over 1,800 U.S. restaurant owners who have been funded by INKIND, it is the source of capital that takes a lot of the pain out of starting and running a restaurant, ultimately helping their dreams come true. VISIT: ***** Johan Moohesinghe has built something very, very cool. A new way to fund restaurants. He's also an owner himself and he's used the platform numerous times. InKind is a very cool company that should be on your radar. Enjoy the conversation. ***** The first marketing dollars you spend should be on Google Search Ads and Meta Ads. Why? Because you can measure the results and prove that they work. We're currnetly working with 25 restaurants all over the country. Are you curious to learn more about the Restaurant Strategy Agency? Email me to start a conversation: [email protected]