8 Simple Do's and Don'ts for Leveraging Third Party Platforms
RESTAURANT STRATEGY - Un podcast de Chip Klose

#356 - 8 Simple Do's and Don'ts for Leveraging Third Party Platforms ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: AVERO Increase your profitability using the industry's best kept secret weapon. VISIT: https://averoinc.com/ ***** Do these 8 things and you'll be miles ahead of your competitors when it comes to leveraging all of those third party platforms! ***** Want a FREE copy of my book? Just pay $3.92 in shipping using the link below! VISIT: hhttps://restaurantstrategyagency.com/free-book?mcp_token=eyJwaWQiOjEwMDQ4Mzk1MjAyOTQwMywic2lkIjoxODY0MTU4ODUxLCJheCI6Ijk3NTU1ZmEzNTJjNzU3Y2FkYThkMzZlYWNhM2UxNTFmIiwidHMiOjE3MjAwMDQ4MzEsImV4cCI6MTcyMjQyNDAzMX0.mQt6EbGEe-yIHWDuh4S-FhOyHVtl2QGu9qKWjMUzng0