Wally Cirafesi | Did Paul Expect Roman Christ-Followers to Go to Synagogue?
Religion & Teologi - Un podcast de Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap

This episode is a lecture with the title "Did Paul Expect Roman Christ-Followers to Go to Synagogue?" given at the "Exegetical Days 2024" September 24 2024 in Lund, in relation to the theme "Simplicity and Diversity in Rome". Besides this lecture by Wally Cirafesi (Lund University), other invited speakers included Michael Wolter (Universität Bonn), Catrin Williams (University of Wales), and Samuel Byrskog (Lund University), who is mentioned in the opening of Cerafesi's lecture, in light of the forthcoming new commentary of Romans (in Swedish; the "KNT"-series). ---------------------------------------------- Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies. ---------------------------------------------- Thank you to Nous for supplying R&T with music.