Alison Scott-Baumann | Academic Freedom, Student Activism and War in the Middle East
Religion & Teologi - Un podcast de Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap

What challenges do universities face when compelled to respond to crisis and student activism? What are the effects of self-censorship, polarisation, and the proliferation of social media? What innovative approaches are available for the university as a committed social actor - also beyond the confines of campus? How can universities, in short, remain bodies of evidence-based knowledge and principled engagement, without compromising academic freedom and pluralism? In this episode of R&T–in collaboration with the podcast HT-Samtal– Torsten Janson (senior lecturer in Islamic Studies, at the CTR) curates a conversation with Alison Scott-Baumann, on academic freedom in light of the emergencies in the Middle East. The conversation was recorded in the LUX building, on the 11th sept. 2024. Alison Scott-Baumann is Professor of Society and Belief in the Centre of Islamic Studies in the Near and Middle East Department at SOAS and her work has two interrelated and also distinct research strands, social justice and philosophy. A special thanks goes out to Martin Degrell, producer of HT-samtal. The original episode, reposted on this channel, can be found here: Academic Freedom (with Alison Scott-Baumann)