Ep. 213 Why Do I Have to Be the Bigger Person?
RECLAIM with Thais Sky - Un podcast de Thais Sky - Les mardis

Many of us face this question when we are grappling with feelings of being hurt and misunderstood. Why does the other person get to act in any which way but we don’t? In this episode I want to share some different ideas for how we can relate to this question so we can have more space to decide how we want to be in the relationships that matter. To grab the show notes go to www.ThaisSky.com/podcast/213. If you like what you heard, it would mean the world to me if you took a moment to leave a review and share this podcast with your community. Thank you for your generous attention. XO Thaís Socials // Website: www.ThaisSky.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/IamThaisSky Instagram: www.instagram.com/IamThaisSky