RAPID TAPPING® with Poppy Delbridge - Un podcast de Poppy Delbridge
Welcome to this week's episode, which is an energetic activation around the concept of the shadow self.The Shadow Self is an unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious ego does not identify in itself. It also can be described as the entirety of the unconscious, everything of which a person is not fully conscious, the unknown side of oneself. It is a part of us that we all avoid, the part we feel is wrong and is bad. However, in Poppy’s body of work within House of Possibility, we can learn to integrate all sides of ourselves to create a sense of wholeness and balance. Rather than fear the darkest parts of ourselves we can meet them.Set aside some time for a ten-minute meditation. Join Poppy in this episode to bravely connect to the Shadow Side.What to expect:Poppy helps guide us through what colour your Shadow Side may be.We are challenged to ask your Shadow Side a question. 'What are you here for?' 'What do you have to teach me today?'Poppy guides you through a tap to feel where the Shadow Side is showing up for you.We are invited to address our shadow and learn how to feel grateful for having this side of us and what it can teach us We invite you to journal on this after. How can you practice radical compassion for yourself and for someone else?We all have our shadows and we all have our cracks and as the mystic Rumi said, that’s how the light gets in.Manifesting Kit Available here!https://www.rapidtapping.com/product-page/house-of-possibility-manifesting-kitJoin the mailing list:https://houseofpossibility.com/Where to find Poppy:Rapid Tapping: https://www.rapidtapping.com/House of Possibility: https://houseofpossibility.com/Poppy Delbridge: https://www.poppydelbridge.com/Socials:Rapid Tapping: https://www.instagram.com/rapidtapping/House of Possibility: https://www.instagram.com/houseofpossibility/Poppy Delbridge: https://www.instagram.com/poppydelbridge/Fearne Cotton - Happy Place:https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/happy-place/id1353058891Poppy Delbridge 11.11's on Rapid Tapping InstagramJoin Poppy every Monday at 11.11 am for your weekly dose of tapping:https://www.instagram.com/rapidtapping/channel/