Globofonie p05
Globofonie. Il programma di musiche di tradizione orale, folk e world, condotto da Ciro De Rosa, propone questa volta un viaggio in note che vi porta a incontrare luoghi, artisti, espressioni e stili musicali. Dall’Europa baltica raggiungeremo la Siberia e le steppe dell’Asia, per poi dirigerci verso la Cina, la Corea e il Vietnam. Passando per il Nepal raggiungeremo il Rajasthan fino a ritornare verso occidente e il Mediterraneo transitando per il Caucaso.1-Petri Hakala & Markku Lepistö - ‘Kilsanmäki’ - Nordic Route - Rapusaari2-Mari Kalkun - ‘Mötsavel Mäng’ - Ilmamõtsan’ - Vörumaa 3- Saucejas - ‘Aiz Daugavas Melni Meži’ - Traditional Folk World-Music Latvia, Latvian Music Information centre4 -Janusz Prusinowski Kompania - ‘Masz Marysiu obałka’ - Po śladach/In the footsteps - Buda Musique5- Tyva Kyzy - ‘Tozhama’, Ayalgalar - PAN6- Yandong Grand Singers - ‘During Daytime, I Go up the Mountain’ - Everyone Listen Close—Wanp-Wanp Jangl Kap. Kap. Polyphonic Grand Songs from the Dong in Guizhou Province in China - Pan Records7-Jambinai - ‘Sawtooth’ - Onda - Bella Union 8-AK Dan Gwang Chil - ‘Paraparapam’ - AK Dan Gwang Chil - AK Dan Gwang Chil9- Tri Nguyen - ‘The Joy of Coming Home’, The Art of the Vietnamese Zither ARC Music 10-Kutumba - ‘Bidesya’ - Karmath - Autoproduzione11-Kāntā Dāb Dāb - ‘Kelikula’ - Kāntā Dāb Dāb - Autoproduzione12- Lhaka Khan - ‘Awakening’ - Live at Amarrass Desert Music Festival - Amarrass Records13-Anoushka Shankar - ‘Brigh Eyes’ - Love Letters - Mercury KX14-Arsen Petrosyan - ‘Naz Par’ - Charentsavan: Music for Armenian Duduk - Pomegranate Records15 Damir Imamović - ‘O Bosanske Gore Snježne’ - Singer of Tales - Wrasse Records16-Masters of Frame Drums - ‘Melfuffin’ - Elements - Seyir Muzik17 - Alfio Antico- ‘Pani e cipodda’ - Trema la terra - Ala Bianca Group