Innovating volunteerism and inspiring action amid a pandemic | Gyasi Ross
Participate - Un podcast de Participate, Inc.

Participate is a platform where the world collaborates. We believe that people should be able to learn when, where and how they want. Great podcasts tell great stories, and our partners at Participate have stories to tell. We’ll talk to them about what they do, how they do it and why it’s important. We’ll also talk to them about how they’re building their community and the ways they’re helping us all learn together. Follow us! Instagram: @insideparticipate Twitter: @participate Facebook: LinkedIn: Join Mike Washburn and Dr. Julie Keane of Participate as they speak with Gyasi Ross from LA Works - a non-profit focused on volunteerism and hands-on community service in the LA Region. We’ll talk about how they’ve engaged communities in the past and how, during COVID 19 they took a chance and leaped into the virtual world - literally - to spearhead an amazing Martin Luther King Jr Day in Minecraft.