087 What Other Moms Never Told Me Pt 5

Parenting on the Go - Un podcast de Matthew & Sabrina Schlesinger

We are taking the time to interview each author from our collective book, What Other Moms Never Told Me. In today’s episode of Parenting on the Go, Matthew & Sabrina Schlesinger are talking with Kyleen Baptiste about her chapter on finding the meaning in the mundane. Have questions? Contact them at [email protected]. Join the conversation and community on Instagram by following @sabrinaschlesinger and @mom.mentor. Get our brand new book, What Other Moms Never Told Me, on Amazon today! You can also find more about Kyleen’s blended family ministry at www.blendedfamilyhope.com and be sure to follow her on Instagram @kyleenbatiste and @blendedfamilyhope.

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