#43: Kids & Money (with guest Rachel Cruze)
Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker - Un podcast de Dr. Meg Meeker

The holiday season is upon us, and that leaves opportunity for hustle and bustle, overspending and overextending, but it also opens the door for a plan to stay focused on our finances and teach our kids how to manage money the right way. In this episode, Dr. Meg revisits a conversation she had with Dave Ramsey’s daughter and financial expert, Rachel Cruze, to give you some great advice for handling the topic of kids and money around the holidays. Having grown up under Dave Ramsey’s roof, Rachel got a front row seat to see how God’s and Grandma’s ways of handling money really works! Also in this episode, Dr. Meg gives you her points to ponder that you can start using right away and answers a question from a mom that has a problem with her own anger issues. As always, if you have a question for Dr. Meg email them to [email protected] and she could answer your question in an upcoming episode!
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1:16 – WELCOME
Dr. Meg introduces the topic “Kids and Money.” She also teases her interview with Dave Ramsey’s daughter and financial expert, Rachel Cruze, her points to ponder, and answers a question from a mom dealing with her own anger issues.
Dr. Meg gives you her points to ponder as you learn more about kids and money leading into the holiday season.
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Dr. Meg talks with Dave Ramsey’s daughter and financial expert, Rachel Cruze, to give you some great advice for handling the topic of kids and money around the holidays. Having grown up under Dave Ramsey’s roof, Rachel got a front row seat to see how God’s and Grandma’s ways of handling money really works!
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Dr. Meg talks with Dave Ramsey’s daughter and financial expert, Rachel Cruze, to give you some great advice for handling the topic of kids and money around the holidays. Having grown up under Dave Ramsey’s roof, Rachel got a front row seat to see how God’s and Grandma’s ways of handling money really works!
Email Dr. Meg at [email protected] or tweet your question to her @MegMeekerMD. In this segment, Dr. Meg answers a question from a mom named Lisa that struggles with her own anger issues due to her mom yelling at her a lot growing up.
Thanks for listening to Episode 43, Kids and Money and for helping Dr. Meg’s parenting revolution reach more than ONE MILLION downloads! Subscribe, rate, and leave a review for us on iTunes!
Visit rachelcruze.com for more information about Rachel’s book Love Your Life Not Theirs and to find out where she’s speaking next! Connect with her on Facebook @rachelramseycruze and on Twitter and Instagram @rachelcruze!
Get Social with Dr. Meg on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @MegMeekerMD
Have a parenting question? Write Dr. Meg at [email protected] and she could answer your question during the show or you can let us know what you’d like to hear about in a future episode!
Dr. Meg’s parenting resources and tools are available at www.megmeekermd.com and click on “Parenting Resources”.