Brian Burke aka The MacMan Shows Us How to Sell Our Gear for a Great Price
OWC RADiO - Un podcast de Other World Computing

Brian Burke is the Mac Man at Other World Computing. He and his team manage thousands upon thousands of transactions each year from people who have computer equipment lying around and would love to sell it for a very competitive price. Listen in as our host, Cirina Catania, gets a quick quote live on the air for her MacPro. is owned by OWC and they love to buy and sell all kinds of equipment. If you want to sell some of your gear but were not happy with the bid from Apple, visit Brian at Sell Your Mac! If you have overspent during the holidays, take a moment and learn how to MAKE money rather than spend it! It’s easier on the budget! And when you get that check and are ready to buy more gear you absolutely must have, visit this special URL at and enter the code: OWCRADIO24 for 15% off on anything OWC-branded. If you enjoy our podcast, please subscribe and tell all your friends about us! We love our listeners.You can find OWC RADiO at, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and all other podcatchers! ABOUT OWC: Other World Computing, under the leadership of Larry O’Connor since he was 15 years old, has expanded to all corners of the world and works every day to create hardware and software that make the lives of creatives and business-oriented companies faster, more efficient and more stable. Go to for more information and to discover an ecosystem that serves your needs. ABOUT CIRINA CATANIA: Cirina Catania, is a successful filmmaker, former Sr Vice President of Worldwide Marketing at MGM-UA and United Artists and one of the co-founders and former director of the Sundance Film Festival.