1623: Trouble with the 4 Percent Rule by Jillian Johnsrud on Making A Better and Happier Financial Plan

Optimal Finance Daily - Financial Independence and Money Advice - Un podcast de Optimal Living Daily | Diania Merriam


Jillian Johnsrud challenges the infamous 4% rule. Episode 1623: Trouble with the 4 Percent Rule by Jillian Johnsrud on Making A Better and Happier Financial Plan Fifteen years ago when Jillian and her husband Adam were married, they had $55,000 in debt (credit card, student loans, and medical debt). They also had big dreams. They wanted to take mini-retirements. They wanted to travel the world. And they wanted to adopt. They wanted financial freedom: to never worry about having the money to put food on the table or pay the bills again. She grew up poor, and never ever wanted to feel that way again. In the last 15 years, they paid off all their debt, traveled to 27 counties, lived abroad for 4 years, took 5 mini-retirements, adopted 4 kids (plus had 2 biological kids!). They paid cash for their very first home and bought 2 rental properties that they fixed up themselves. They have served on boards of nonprofits, mentored kids from tough situations, and volunteered in all sorts of roles. At 32, she became financially independent. Now it’s her mission to help others build a life that perfectly lines up with their values, passion and purpose. The original post is located here: https://www.jillianjohnsrud.com/trouble-with-the-4-rule/ Gusto offers modern, easy payroll and benefits to small businesses across the country. Get in touch now and get three months free when you run your first payroll. Just go to gusto.com/ofd. Please Rate & Review the Show! Visit Me Online at OLDPodcast.com and in The O.L.D. Facebook Group Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts and join our online community: OLDPodcast.com/group Interested in advertising on the show? https://www.advertisecast.com/OptimalFinanceDaily

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