1599: 13 Tips To Curb Your Spending by Tiffany Aliche of The Budgetnista on Adjusting Your Spending Mindset

Optimal Finance Daily - Financial Independence and Money Advice - Un podcast de Optimal Living Daily | Diania Merriam


Tiffany Aliche of The Budgetnista shares 13 tips to curb your spending. Episode 1599: 13 Tips To Curb Your Spending by Tiffany Aliche of The Budgetnista on Adjusting Your Spending Mindset Tiffany Aliche, is an award-winning teacher of financial education and is quickly becoming America’s favorite, personal finance expert. She has made it her mission to empower women and provide them with access to the tools and resources needed to create a better life for themselves and their families. Through her company, The Budgetnista, Tiffany has created a financial movement that has helped over 800,000 women worldwide collectively save more than $100 million, pay off over $75 million in debt, purchase homes, and transform the way they think about their finances. The original post is located here: https://thebudgetnistablog.com/13-tips-to-curb-your-spending/ InsideTracker analyzes your body’s data to provide you with a clear picture of what's going on inside you and to offer you science-backed recommendations for positive diet and lifestyle changes. For a limited time, you can get 25% off the entire InsideTracker store at info.InsideTracker.com/OFD and use discount code OFD Please Rate & Review the Show! Visit Me Online at OLDPodcast.com and in The O.L.D. Facebook Group Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts and join our online community: OLDPodcast.com/group Interested in advertising on the show? https://www.advertisecast.com/OptimalFinanceDaily

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