1508: How to Win at Money by Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist on Personal Financial Satisfaction
Optimal Finance Daily - Financial Independence and Money Advice - Un podcast de Optimal Living Daily | Diania Merriam
Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist tells us how to win at money. Episode 1508: How to Win at Money by Joshua Becker of Becoming Minimalist on Personal Financial Satisfaction Joshua Becker and his family decided to live with fewer possessions after a conversation with his neighbor in 2008. As a result, they found a better way to live, centered on more important pursuits. Their story has been seen on the CBS Evening News, NPR, the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal and countless media interviews around the world. Their books have sold in the tens of thousands. BecomingMinimalist.com is about their journey towards a rational approach to minimalism. It is about the joys and the struggles. It is about the lessons they have learned. It has inspired millions around the world. It is written to inspire you to intentionally live with less, and find more life because of it. The original post is located here: https://www.becomingminimalist.com/how-to-win-at-money/ Gusto offers modern, easy payroll and benefits to small businesses across the country. Get in touch now and get three months free when you run your first payroll. Just go to gusto.com/ofd. Please Rate & Review the Show! Visit Me Online at OLDPodcast.com and in The O.L.D. Facebook Group Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts and join our online community: OLDPodcast.com/group Interested in advertising on the show? https://www.advertisecast.com/OptimalFinanceDaily