1371: The Diderot Effect: How Buying Fuels Itself by Paula Pant of Afford Anything

Optimal Finance Daily - Financial Independence and Money Advice - Un podcast de Optimal Living Daily | Diania Merriam


Paula Pant of Afford Anything elaborates on the Diderot Effect. Episode 1371: The Diderot Effect: How Buying Fuels Itself by Paula Pant of Afford Anything Paula Pant is the founder of the award-winning website AffordAnything.com and a writer and speaker specializing in money, business, and real estate investing. She is a real estate investor, as the owner of seven rental property units in metropolitan Atlanta. She holds a real estate license in Georgia. She's also the host of the Afford Anything podcast. The original post is located here: https://affordanything.com/the-diderot-effect-how-buying-fuels-itself/ Please Rate & Review the Show! Visit Me Online at OLDPodcast.com & in The O.L.D. Podcasts Facebook Group! and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts Gusto offers modern, easy payroll and benefits to small businesses across the country. Get in touch now and get three months free when you run your first payroll. Just go to gusto.com/ofd. Interested in advertising on the show? Visit https://www.advertisecast.com/OptimalFinanceDaily

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