1244: There's an Account for That: Create a Void by Philip Taylor of PT Money on How To Save More Money
Optimal Finance Daily - Financial Independence and Money Advice - Un podcast de Optimal Living Daily | Diania Merriam
Philip Taylor of PT Money discusses why to open savings accounts even without having savings.
Episode 1244: There's an Account for That: Create a Void by Philip Taylor of PT Money on How To Save More Money
PTMoney.com is about helping you make extra money, save more money, and spend your money wisely--all in an effort to help you fix your finances so you can build the life you want. It was started by Philip Taylor, a CPA, entrepreneur, and blogger who started the site in 2007. He also created FinCon, the popular conference for financial nerds.
The original post is located here: https://ptmoney.com/theres-an-account-for-that-create-a-void/
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