Gurg Wars (OOTP Chapter 20, Hagrid's Tale)

MuggleCast: the Harry Potter podcast - Un podcast de Harry Potter - Les mardis

Help MuggleCast grow! Become a MuggleCast Member and get great benefits like Bonus MuggleCast! On this week's edition we discuss the best use of 8 hours to tell the story of the first season of the upcoming TV show!  Grab official merch! Pick up overstock merch from years past! On this week's episode, don't forget when sneaking out of the house to cover your footprints in the snow!  We're getting the lowdown from Hagrid on what he's been up to for the last few months, until, of course, we're interrupted by one, giant b*tch! Chapter by Chapter continues with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 20: Hagrid's Tale. MuggleCast last discussed the chapter on Episode 456! Upon his return to Hogwarts, do readers and the trio experience a different side to Hagrid? Honestly, can Harry, Ron and Hermione give Hagrid a minute to get settled in? It seems like Hagrid is simultaneously annoyed and proud of the trio for being able to put two and two together about his journey. Could Umbridge have been responsible for putting a tail on Hagrid and Maxime? Our first and only real exposure to Giant Culture in the Wizarding world: a fascinating dynamic to another marginalized community. How is Dumbledore recruiting the giants any different than Voldemort? Did Hagrid and Maxime's gifts to Karkus ultimately get him killed? What does it say about the giants that some are closed off to new ideas, but others can be open to them? Mommy Issues: Hagrid doesn't speak too kindly about his mother. Fridwulfa Does Umbridge spend all her time spying? Is this what Petunia would have been like at Hogwarts? Did Harry, Ron and Hermione visiting Hagrid open the door for Umbridge's visit? The hosts share their Best Hagrid Moment from this chapter they want to see get the MAX treatment! Lynx Line: If you could go on a magical adventure with any wizarding world character to do Dumbledore’s bidding, who would it be and why? Quizzitch:  In the English fairy tale “Jack and the Beanstalk,” Jack, who later meets a husband and wife that are giants, trades WHAT to obtain a handful of magic beans? Visit for transcripts, social media links, our full episode archive, our favorite episodes, and to contact us!   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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