How to Learn Anything Fast | Motivational Speeches
Motivational Speeches - Un podcast de Motivationly

>>>Click Here to Join Our Self Development Campaign Now<<< Learning new things through motivational speech is a huge part of life -- we should always be striving to learn and grow. But it takes time, and time is precious. So how can you make the most of your time by speeding up the learning process? Thanks to neuroscience, we now have a better understanding of how we learn and the most effective ways our brains process and hold on to information. If you want to get a jump start on expanding your knowledge, here are 10 proven ways you can start learning faster today. 1. Take notes with pen and paper. Though motivational speech it might seem that typing your notes on a laptop during a conference or lecture will be more thorough, thus helping you learn faster, it doesn’t work that way. To speed up your learning, skip the laptop and take notes the old-fashioned way, with pen and paper. Research has shown that those who type in their lecture notes process and retain the information at a lower level. Those who take notes by hand actually learn more. While taking notes by hand is slower and more cumbersome than typing, the act of writing out the information fosters comprehension and retention. Reframing the information in your own words helps you retain the information longer, meaning you’ll have better recall and will perform better on tests. 2. Have effective note-taking skills. The better your motivational speech notes are, the faster you’ll learn. Knowing how to take thorough and accurate notes will help you remember concepts, gain a deeper understanding of the topic and develop meaningful learning skills. So, before you learn a new topic, make sure you learn different strategies for note-taking, such as the Cornell Method, which helps you organize class notes into easily digestible summaries. Whatever method you use, some basic tips for note-taking include: Listen and take notes in your own words. Leave spaces and lines between main ideas so you can revisit them later and add information. Develop a consistent system of abbreviations and symbols to save time. Write in phrases, not complete sentences. Learn to pull out important information and ignore trivial information. 3. Distributed practice. This motivational speech method involves distributing multiple practices (or study sessions) on a topic over a period of time. Using short, spaced-out study sessions will encourage meaningful learning, as opposed to long “cram sessions,” which promote rote learning. The first step is to take thorough notes while the topic is being discussed. Afterwards, take a few minutes to look over your notes, making any additions or changes to add detail and ensure accuracy. Do this quickly, once or twice following each class or period of instruction. Over time, you can begin to spread the sessions out, starting with once per day and eventually moving to three times a week. Spacing out practise over a longer period of time is highly effective because it’s easier to do small study sessions and you’ll stay motivated to keep learning. 4. Study, sleep, more study. You have a big project or a major presentation tomorrow and you’re not prepared. If you’re like many of us, you stay up too late trying to cram beforehand.