How Motivation Works | Motivational Speech
Motivational Speeches - Un podcast de Motivationly

>>>Click Here to Join Our Self Development Campaign Now<<< How Motivation Works | Motivational Speech Motivational Speech is the driving force that keeps pushing us to reach a certain goal through our actions. When you do a work without motivation, you fail to do it with full dedication and efficiency. Motivation helps to increase work productivity and brings out the best of a person’s true potential. For example, when you do a job where you get paid low and never appreciated for good works and accomplishments, you get no motivation to work every day with the same enthusiasm you started on the first day. Soon, the job turns boring, and if you stretch it further, you get tired and if you still continue, you are going to get stressed and quitting will be the only way out. In this complimentary webinar, learn about the power of Motivational Speech in the workplace from Columbia University Professor of Psychology and Business Tory Higgins, an expert on motivation and decision-making. You’ll learn: - Why “carrots” and “sticks” incentives are not enough to motivate people to do better work - How promotion-focused and prevention-focused people pursue goals differently - How three kinds of effectiveness (value, control, and truth) work together and can lead to successful motivation Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivational Speech – There are basically two types of motivation – intrinsic and extrinsic. For example, James and Peter are students. James loves to study and studies hard to secure a top rank in the class. Peter, on the other hand, does not like to study and is satisfied with whatever marks he gets. But his father has told him that he would give him a high-end smartphone if he can secure a top rank in the class. Therefore, he has started studying as hard as James now. So, in the case of James, it is intrinsic motivate where interest and passion are the driving forces, and it is also called self-motivation. On the other hand, Peter’s case is extrinsic motivation where the driving force is something external like reward and better recognition. Which Is Better And What’s The Reality? Nothing could be better when you are motivated by your own motives. It is found that a person continues to do something eternally when Motivational Speech is intrinsic, and he has no hesitation investing most of his time in a task that is dedicated to achieving his motives and goals. As a matter of fact, a person is likely to be successful when he can motivate himself internally. Therefore, But, in reality, some of the essential driving forces in a person’s life are extrinsic. Without extrinsic motivation, most of the people would not ever do any good work in life. For example, when you are working for a company, if the pay is low, your work quality and productivity would be low, and you would not feel like doing anything for the company. But when the manager announces a huge bonus for the top performers of the month, everyone including you would put the best effort and work productivity and output would be at its peak. How Can On Motivate Himself? As intrinsic Motivational Speech is always a better option due to its unending and continuous flow, you should find out ways to self-motivation. Motivation comes from passion and goals. Always do jobs where you have a genuine interest, and motivation will be a natural companion in your journey. For example, if you like computer programming from your school days, you should choose computer science for graduation even though some other streams might have higher salary jobs.