Adjusting to Full Time Working Mom Life - The Fears, Lies, and Learnings

Minimal-ish: Minimalism, Intentional Living, Motherhood - Un podcast de Cloud10

I'm so excited to bring you the first episode of the podcast with the new name, With Intention! Check out the trailer I released to understand the change a little better!

Today I'm diving into a question that I repeatedly got from listeners during the break I took with the podcast - how is it going? How are all the changes going? How is your new job?

Because I got so many questions like this, and others related to adjustments and changes that life brings us, I'm starting a quick series for a few episodes where we'll cover some different ones.

My main goal is for you to feel encouraged + less alone in whatever changes are coming your way.

Today I talk about my personal transition to full time working mom life and I cover:

-The main fear I've had during this adjustment

-The lies we all might be inclined to believe about motherhood when it comes to working or staying at home.

-4 things I've learned in the midst of the change

-How minimalism is still making all the difference.

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