385: Net Worth Of $10.0M - Former Stuntwoman & Model Turned Entrepreneur
Millionaires Unveiled - Un podcast de Jace Mattinson, CPA - Les lundis

Summary Bunny has a net worth of $10 million. Most is in the value of her businesses but she does own some real estate and keeps a little inveted in the market. She is a successful entrepreneur and business coach. She shares her journey of owning and managing multiple companies. She started as a stuntwoman and model but eventually pursued a master's degree in counseling and psychology. Bunny currently owns seven companies and has had a total of 16 companies in the past 19 years. She emphasizes the importance of investing in her own businesses rather than the stock market, as it provides higher returns and tax advantages. Bunny also discusses the concept of seasons instead of balance and the value of focusing on priorities. Bunny shares her journey of identifying her expertise and focusing on her niche to maximize growth. She discusses how her heart condition motivated her to be greedy and selfish with her time, leading her to find ways to minimize effort and maximize return on investment. Bunny emphasizes the importance of being confident in your highest value and prioritizing what truly matters, such as family and personal fulfillment. She also talks about the significance of delivering value and making a positive impact in the world, rather than solely focusing on financial success. Takeaways *Investing in your own businesses can provide higher returns and tax advantages compared to investing in the stock market. *Prioritizing and focusing on what truly matters to you can lead to greater success and fulfillment. *Creating systems and delegating tasks can free up time and energy for more important activities. *Balance is a myth, and it's more about finding the right seasons and priorities in life. Identifying your expertise and focusing on your niche can lead to significant growth and success. *Being greedy and selfish with your time can motivate you to find ways to minimize effort and maximize return on investment. *Confidence in your highest value and prioritizing what truly matters, such as family and personal fulfillment, can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life. *Delivering value and making a positive impact in the world should be prioritized over solely pursuing financial success. Sound Bites "Investing in your own companies, you're getting 234% back." "Betting on yourself is the least risky thing you can do." "I still have a wealth advisor... as long as I'm beating that mother, I'm still winning." "How long do you think it took you to get to this area of identifying your expertise and being able to really capitalize on the growth that's possible from just focusing on your niche and what you're excellent at?" "How can I put in this minimum viable effort and get a maximum return?" "What's unique about your approach is that it's the exact opposite of lazy. You might think, oh, limited hours, but it's maximum productivity within limited hours so that you have maximum output basically across the board in your entire life, which is amazing."