210: Technical Education, Apprenticeships, and Addressing the Needs of Industry Today and in the Future with Ashley Furniture and Western Technical College
Manufacturing Happy Hour - Un podcast de Chris Luecke - Les mardis

We talk a lot about the skills gap on this podcast, but this episode paints an optimistic picture of what the manufacturing world can achieve when we come together. Partnerships between industry and education are so important because without the right education and exposure to manufacturing, the skills gap could continue to grow.In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Josh Gamer, Dean of the Integrated Technology Division at Western Technical College, and Kris Gengler, Education Foundation Manager at Ashley Furniture, to talk through the important intersection between education and manufacturing.Ashley Furniture and Western Technical College have an amazing partnership and work closely together to find ways to educate, inspire, and prepare the next generation of manufacturers. We cover a lot in this episode – from why Western Wisconsin is such a manufacturing hub to the upcoming Wanek Center of Innovation at Western Technical College and what it will mean for manufacturing businesses and students.Kris and Josh share their predictions on the industry, talk about apprenticeships, and the type of skills and technology that future manufacturers will get to learn at places like Western Technical College. In this episode, find out:What makes manufacturing in Western Wisconsin so special and important to the regionThe types of manufacturing that Western Wisconsin specializes in and how the area manages to attract and retain talent What Western Technical College’s Wanek Center of Innovation will mean for manufacturers and why it’s been a group effort between education and industryWhat Ashley Furntiure and local education institutions learned from a group trip to Germany to visit manufacturers and trade showsWhy you need to be willing to look outside your immediate bubble and learn from othersJosh lists some of the different ways students and manufacturers will benefit from the new CenterWhy we need to talk to younger kids about manufacturing to plant the seed earlyHow Western Technical College’s apprenticeship programs have evolvedJosh does some podcast shoutouts to organizations he’s partnered withEnjoying the show? Please leave us a review here. Even one sentence helps. It’s feedback from Manufacturing All-Stars like you that keeps us going!Tweetable Quotes:“If you want to understand how you're truly doing, you have to open your eyes and be willing to look outside. Go to a different state. Consider another country. Visit other manufacturers, other educational institutions because if you don't do that, you do run the risk of falling behind.” – Dr. Josh Gamer“Manufacturing here in Western Wisconsin, you have people who are very hardworking, very smart, and they have a drive to succeed and they continue to want to learn, to expand, and to find a better way.” – Kris Gengler“When those businesses are successful, it's keeping the money within an area. And that's really what manufacturing does for an area. And when it does that, it, it enhances everything. It enhances healthcare, it enhances distribution, it enhances education. It just creates a whole lot of good for an area.” – Kris Gengler Links & mentions:Western Technical College, leading institution in Western Wisconsin, Western Technical College prepares students for hands-on careers with a focus on technology and manufacturing