Pass the Salt

Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - Un podcast de Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 5:13Salt is necessary for both physical and spiritual life. Only God could design the chemical makeup of salt: sodium (deadly and explosive) combined with chlorine (noxious and also deadly) make something necessary for life, preservation, and purity.Likewise, by God’s divine chemistry of the cross, we as Christians have become new creatures with significant importance to the world around us.Matthew 5:13 says, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”In this passage, Jesus calls His followers “salt of the earth.” Once we understand the importance of salt in Jesus’ time and in our own, we’ll better understand our role as salt and light to this desperate world.This passage first clarifies the dynamics of pure salt.Salt seasons, preserves, and heals; likewise, we are called to preserve truth and to have a zest about our lives that heals this sick world.But salt also burns and penetrates; it is an irritant that permeates everything it touches. We cannot fear our nature to irritate this corrupt world and permeate Jesus Christ with everything we touch.This passage also warns us about the dissipation of polluted salt.Salt that is filled with impurities is worthless and harmful. It kills crops and poisons water. The only safe place for polluted salt is the roadway—it makes for good cement and nothing more.Finally, there is a demand for preserving salt.If there were ever a need, a time, and age for salt to work, it is now. Things once considered sin are now considered sickness, and socially acceptable practice. Banning prayer in public schools, legalizing abortion, an increase in suicide rates and drug use in teens… this world—specifically our country—is in desperate need of some salt.Adrian Rogers says, “Not only is God America’s biggest, and only, hope. God is America’s biggest threat.”The only hope to keep this country from moral decay is the salt of the earth—God’s people. It’s not too late for a revival to sweep this nation, if only we will repent of our sins and become salt with savor.Apply it to your lifeThis world needs some salt. Do you bear the salt and light in which we have been called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

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