Beyond the Bias: The Truth About Remote Work vs. Returning to the Office
Level-up Engineering - Un podcast de Apex Lab

Liam Martin, Co-Founder of Time Doctor, debunks myths around remote work and shares valuable tips on managing remote engineering teams so they remain well-aligned in an asynchronous environment.
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In this interview we're covering:
- Finding unbiased information
- Social implications
- State of remote working
- Asynchronous team management
- Remote work is here to stay
Excerpt from the interview:
"If you try to force employees back to the office, you'll likely end up with a team of B players, as the top talent will have the freedom to choose how they want to work. Right now, it's a seller's market, especially for engineers.
For managers uncomfortable with leading a remote engineering team, I don't have any comforting solutions. The reality is, if you insist on running your engineering team from the office, it's likely to fail. It's a tough truth, but there's no way around it."