Episode 53 - How to make "Dictionary form (Jisho kei)"
Learn Japanese with Masa sensei! - Un podcast de Masa Sensei
- Check my video for more details! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYYDWdv2VWI Verbs る-form in Japanese are divided into 3 groups Group 1: Verbs ending in う あう あいます To meet いく いきます To go およぐ およぎます To swim おす おします To push あそぶ あそびます To play のむ のみます To drink まつ まちます To wait うる うります To sell Group 2: Verbs ending in る Verbs that end in る but are preceded by /a/, /u/, /i/ or /o/ sounds belong to group 1 verbs. Example: おわる (owaru): to finish, つくる(tsukuru) : to create; きる (kiru): to cut, etc. Verbs that end in る but are preceded by /e/ sound belong to group 2 verbs. For example: たべる(taberu): to eat, おぼえる (oboeru): to remember. Exception: かえる (kaeru): to return, to go home (ends with “eru” but is a verb of group 1) In addition, some group 2 verbs in Japanese are irregular verbs. They that end in “iru” are group 2 verbs such as: おきる (okiru): wake up, あびる (abiru): take a bath. あける あけます To open おきる おきます To get up Group 3: Only 2 words する and くる くる きます To come しごと(を)する しごと(を)します To work でんわ(を)する でんわ(を)します To call =============================================== Check out my Youtube Channel! Wanna support me? ===============================================